First love is the hardest, you think you love someone and next thing you know their gone. It takes time to heal. Healing is hard to do, getting over someone is hard. Guys will switch up on you. Boys are confusing you think you found someone who is perfect in your eyes when you’re with them you don’t see their flaws and after, all you see is their flaws. It’s like it was a nothingness love after all. When your tied down to a person its nothing else matters in the world. Sometimes you feel like you’re not good enough. I think we all have been there remember you are good enough stop believe the lies and look at the amazing parts of yourself, but you can’t love someone who didn’t love you back. A lot of us thinks that after a break up you need a rebound or new guy. Here is my advice to you take time to love yourself a little more than you loved your ex, which means find happiness with yourself. Find a focal point and step back and look at yourself. Have fun with your girlfriends and have fun. When you think your ready to find love don’t chase a boy, trust me someone will come along. Happiness is the greatest gift. What I mean by telling you to take time to love yourself, I mean to find a balance between school, family and yourself. When you finally get to a balance when you feel like your stable then you know that you can fall in love, but don’t forget that love can't always be easy so pick carefully. Find someone else who will always pick the phone up when you are feeling down. If they are focused on a sport or school but they want you it means they have a focal point or a priority. you are secretly wishing that soon enough you will be on that list, but you never really make it. Recently I feel like I wasted my time on a boy who has a priority and couldn't fit me and thats okay.That doesn't mean I am not good enough, it just means he wasn't trying hard enough. If a boy treats you badly and your friends realize it take their advice. You are amazing don't let a boy determine that. You are loved by so many people, never forget that.
Updated: Feb 22, 2018