In this age girls and woman are being told that in order find happiness we need to have the "ideal body". The first step to love yourself is to block out the hate and the photoshop. It's realizing the reality of this world. Do not let the photos or the words get to you. No matter how hurt you are, you cannot let it come down to hurting yourself in anyway. We all make mistakes in our lives, we hurt others and we get hurt by others, but we can't let that effect the way we view ourselves. Our president, the leader of our country dehumanizes woman. There are so many serious things that happen to woman like rape or sexual assault and at the end of the day, somehow, it's all our faults.Those who go through situations similar to rape and assault are told that they must have wanted it. No, incorrect, if that has ever happened to you I want you to know that it was not your fault, not even close. My body is my own and no one else's so never let someone take control of yours. It is your body. No matter what happens to you, you will always be beautiful in every way.
“Explain to me again why I need a man?”